Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tsinelas aka Flipflops

The lowly tsinelas is enjoying its makeover. Thanks to Hollywood celebrities wearing Havaianas not just on the beach. I got my first pair of this much-hyped brand of rubber footwear about two years ago and I still use it sometimes. Now, almost everybody is wearing it. It comes in every color imaginable (available in metallic ,too) and some crazy designs. My favorite is their Cartunistas line depicting Brazilian life. Other brands like Ipanema, Quiksilver and Crocs followed suit, incorporating the beach culture in shopping malls, bars, restaurants, and some offfices. I'm not surprised why most people are a big fan of wearing these everywhere. A pair of tsinelas is really cheap and comfortable unlike shoes. My favorite pair of Havaianas have been on so many places and deserves a break so I'm not bringing it to Boracay next week. I'm thinking of buying a Quiksilver (I found one that looks like mocha ice cream in color in a shop last week).